Friday, June 6, 2014


 So last Sunday after awakening from my slumber, I was greeted with the sound of my television. As I always do I fell asleep with the t.v. on. Generally it winds up on a channel that will have Pastors and/or Bishops on preaching their "word" of the Bible. I laid in my bed for quite some time listening to what was being said. I looked up at the ceiling fan spinning the entire time. The Pastor or whatever he was told three different stories of people with money problems. And a miraculous miracle happened and they were blessed with money in an over flow after him laying his hands and them sowing their seed to the church. He even told a story of himself. What he said was he and his wife didn't have very much money, but they wanted to buy a house. They went and looked at three different houses and had settled on the third largest house. The Pastor proceeded to say that he wrote a deposit check of $15,000 knowing he didn't have the money in the bank. He said he prayed that Saturday night before going to bed. He went to service the next morning and whoever was the Pastor that morning asked the people of the church to bless their main Pastor. The Pastor that was speaking on the television said the church had raised him $15,800 and something dollars to the penny. He was so gracious to God because his prayers the night before had been answered. 

 ~Insert my puzzled look along with acknowledging this pastor just admitted to check kiting which is against the law~

 In between him telling the stories of people and their money issues and getting blessed immediately with an overflow of money a small commercial of him comes up. In the commercial I remember the pastor saying that he specializes in Finances, Family, and I believe he said Faith. 

 Throughout his entire sermon he referenced back to the Bible only once from the time I woke up until the end of the segment. It was Deuteronomy 1:11. After telling about three stories he goes on to say that people need to sow their seeds in order to get blessings. He then goes right into a monetary amount of $1000 that people are to send in to be prayed for and then to receive their blessing(s). Why the $1000 he says.....It was stated in Deuteronomy 1:11 Thanks to the King James Version Bible it states The LORD God of your fathers make you a thousand times so many more as ye are, and bless you, as he hath promised you! He took that small passage of a thousand and placed a dollar sign in front of it. He told the church and television people to charge it to their credit cards and pull the money out of their savings account. "It's not like you have anything to lose." he states. 
 Really Mr. Pastor?! So this is what spreading the word has been reduced to? Pastors are putting prices on BLESSINGS and PRAYER?! Really?! You specialize in a specific area of your supposed calling?! Pure foolery at it's finest. And because most people are so naive and gullible they are not only banking on those people, but preying on them as well. As a child I don't remember church being how it is today. We all knew we had to pay Tithes. Our grandmother or one of our aunties would give us quarters to put into Children's Church. Once we got too old to be in Children's Church we would put our dollar into church. The Pastor preached from the bible. Spreading the knowledge and teaching of the bible. Even as kid I felt moved by the Pastor's interpretation of the bible. It was more of a give what you could not you have to put in your 10% this week along with an additional percentage to take care of the "First Family". I stopped attending a particular church here in Jacksonville, FL because of the focus that surrounded money. I'm not with all that. From what I know Tithes wasn't in the form of money. And I understand that times change, but these Church Pimps aka Pastors and Bishops are out here getting folks for their money like it's nothing. No remorse. Not my little coins though. I'm good. I have common sense and I can see that the church is set up as a Pimp and Hoe systems. The heads of the church are the pimps and the silly little peasants aka congregation are the hoes. Listening to that foolery and trickery inspired my What's on your mind post via my Facebook last Sunday.
 "These pastors are out here selling dreams! This pastor's whole sermon is about MONEY! He has stood up and told stories about other people getting money including himself. He referenced the bible ONCE with a Deuteronomy 1:11 verse. Stating that one is supposed come up with $1000 and it send it to him oh no to send in to "God" and that's how they''ll receive their blessings. Man that's total bull! He said put the money on your credit card or pull it from your savings account since you don't have anything to lose anyway. People are so gullible and will do it. Not even realizing there has never been a monetary value placed on the blessings. God isn't on earth to collect money. He wants us to live and trust in his word. These pastors are PIMPS and the congregation are the HOES. Be upset if you want, but the truth can hurt. This is why I stopped attending church. I don't care for a fashion show nor will I sit up in any church and feel like I HAVE to give money to listen to some parts of Foolery they've interpreted as their version of the word. Smh turning the channel."

 Speaking of hoes, I'm sure you all have seen the latest uproar coming from the church house of Pastor Jamal H. Bryant about the Hoes not being loyal quoting the lyrics from the Chris Brown song These Hoes Ain't Loyal. Now I don't know what the entire sermon was about, but this is exactly my point. The church leaders are getting too worldly. Had the whole congregation going bananas praising whatever the hell he was talking about. My opinion that's just tacky and too much. Then again from what I've read Pastor Jamal knows a lot about the hoes not being loyal since he was or maybe still is one. After all he did cheat on his ex first lady which lead to their divorce. Haha so I guess that one can be referenced back to him huh? 
 Smh what is the church world coming to? That's the type of foolishness that keeps a lot of people away. If you can't relate to the realness of what's being taught in the church you can Google and find your way through your own Bible. With all that corruption and greed might as well save ya gas and money and sit home getting it at your own will. 

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