Saturday, June 7, 2014


 Maybe it's just me, but every since George Zimmerman came on the scene with his bigot attitude towards blacks and getting off for killing Trayvon Martin, the black and white racial issues have become a wildfire and breeding ground in the media.  We all have freedom of speech and are entitled to feel the way we want to feel about people or a particular race of people. We all have our view points on different people and races. It's only when you have those moments of seeing  a  person being racist or hearing raw footage of someone's racist thoughts somehow enrage emotions in us. Whether those emotions are anger, hatred, sadness, confusion, etc. Being a young black woman living in the south, it's something I see and hear frequently. Whether it's the way one is being treated or hearing it personally. Racism is something that has never been kept quiet where I'm from. I can respect the way a person feels about my skin color. I was born black and will remain that way. I am an entity of one. People are either brought up to have those personal view points; or it can be brought on by a person's personal interactions with a particular race of people or a person. Fine by me. That's an opinion and many times there isn't a way to change a person's mind. It is what it is. 
  Once again the media lines have been on fire about the latest footage that was released of a white woman Janelle Ambrosia displaying her racist behavior in front of a Family Dollar store with her children towards a black male Narvell Benning. From what was reported Narvell went into the Family Dollar to grab some deodorant before heading to work. Narvell started his vehicle where Janelle's children stood somewhere in the front of him and startled the children. That was enough to set Janelle off. She called Narvell a "disgusting n****r"multiple times. She got on the phone and called someone and started into the name calling more once again. Janelle told the person over the phone to speak to Narvell and let them know that he would kill him and continued to cuss and call Narvell "a nasty n****r". Even Janelle's son yelled racist remarks at Narvell. Janelle stated that her son doesn't like black people either. Again it's not surprising to me at all. It does in a sense piss me off that a person would go out of their way to try and demean and belittle someone based off of something irrelevant to race. One of my most favorite sayings. When a person shows you who they are, you believe them. I say that to say after the video had made it's way through social media, Janelle Ambrosia was given an opportunity to give her side of what happened. The attitude she displayed in the interview validated who she really is. In the interview Janelle was very arrogant and didn't accept responsibility for her actions and views of black people. Again I don't care how Janelle feels, my problem is when people are exposed for being racist they try and retract their behavior. They all start with the "I have black friends. I have black family members." That's the typical racist line. If one is caught displaying racist behavior then own it! Don't say something and go to the edge with it and right after you've taken the jump you wanna take it back. That's not how that works in my mind. Racist people lack taking accountability for how they feel. Racism is alive and greatly acceptable in the states. Whether you're a celebrity or someone off of the street I have yet to really hear anyone tell these people to take accountability. They say what they mean and seem to not mean what they say when it is made public. Our country was built off the backs, hands, and feet of a great majority of blacks. It's not surprising that people still feel or feel like blacks are still an inferior race. It's apparent from her radio interview that she is very much so a racist. And perhaps a bit crazy, but she is very much aware of how she feels and feels quite strongly about it. Simply own how you feel Janelle it's out there now. 
Take a look at the footage and then listen to her radio interview. Chime in and let me know how you feel? 

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