Saturday, June 7, 2014


I was thinking that just maybe I was the only one that had this issue, but after viewing a video of one of my favorite YouTube channels I see that I'm not alone with this issue.
 I seem to attract a lot of older men, island men, and men that have women. The older men and island men I don't have an issue with because I like men that are up in age and an island man with a strong accent just moves my heart like no other! The set of men I have issues with well not really an issue, but the ones that get on my damn nerves are the men that are already in a relationship. They must have a special handbook for them aside from the all man's handbook. They all claim to be unhappy or bored in their relationship. I learned a long time ago to stop entertaining conversation with those type of men. Emotionally they are unavailable and can't invest the time, attention, or anything else into you for the reason of them being in a full blown relationship. It would be an absolute waste of everything to exchange interactions with them. I just found it funny how Rae Rose put it in her blog. Unhappily in a relationship asses. LOL that's how I feel, but she said it first. 

 Anyway take a look and subscribe to her channel. 

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