Sunday, May 25, 2014


Stephen A. Smith spoke so much life into me with his commentary given two days ago. Now a days everything is so racially driven it's blurring the lines of what the bigger picture is all about. Whether it's the Donald  Sterlings speaking out about their dislike for black people . Or Mike Cuban who made it known that he has some reservations towards certain stereotypes of people. We all have particular ways we feel about all people. Although the black man in a hoody on a dark street stereotype was based off the George Zimmerman case. Before the stereotype of a black man it was with sagging pants and tattoos all over his arms and what not. It's quite ignorant in a sense, but people are entitled to feel the way they want to regardless of how the stereotype(s) are presented. 

 Stephen A. Smith stuck true to his words. He feels as if Mark Cuban saying what he said was rightfully said. We all have our own views about people no matter their race. The bigger picture Stephen A. Smith wants the black community to see is, we as a race have to be accountable for how we present ourselves and speak. It doesn't help that a lot of our youth dress the way they dress with saggy pants down to their knees. And speak in ways only they understand. They look to being the next major sports star or video vixen. Looking for the easy way out instead of putting in the necessary changes and work to develop themselves into something more realistic and obtainable. Obtaining education being top priority despite what statics say. Speaking properly in order to communicate effectively with others and for  one to be taken seriously and land a job. Stephen A. Smith spoke the truth and nothing, but the truth. Wake up folks. We're being looked at and what we are putting out isn't being taken into positive light. It's ok for our kids to admire positive black role models, but it's even better when you teach them the way of getting on the road to success by hard work, dedication, and being persistent in what they do. Working from the bottom so that the top can be that much more enjoyable.

1 comment:

  1. So true, us as blacks has to understand we have our backs against the wall as a race and making it harder by the actions of the youth of today. What happen to our race? The proud of be black the love for each other? Its sad that we allow our kids to walk around like they do as well talk the way they do. That doesn't mean all black people are the same, I know many guys who have tattoos and they are well educated. Just we things would get better with us.
