Thursday, May 22, 2014


  I just ran over this video over on World Star. As I was going through my regular Facebook news feed I noticed about three postings regarding a large divorce settlement. All from men. All three disagreed with the large amount of money the now ex-wife Elena Rybolovlev is to be rewarded. Elena is said to receive $4.5 billion from the divorce, along with $146 million in properties, $129,000 a month in child support, and some valuable antiques. From what the video stated, Dmitry tried hiding a lot of the money so that he wouldn't have to make such a large payout. He placed the money in trust fund accounts in his children's name. I'm glad he was mindful of the kids, but come on Dmitry that's one of the oldest tricks in the book. Should've taken the money out over time and kept it in your home in a safe. Elena has been battling him for five years. 

 Nonetheless the the three posts that I saw talked badly about being married and getting divorced. All agreeing that marriage is a bunch of bull and that's too much money for the ex-wife to receive. In my personal opinion, I don't see what the big idea is with her getting half of his money and being rewarded properties and what not. Although I have yet to be married, being a wife is magnified one hundred times more than being a man's woman. She has had his children, supported him in his business endeavors, she is also the primary parent of the children, she had to keep house i.e. make sure the maids and nannies stayed in place, and most of all he did afford the lifestyle for his now ex-wife and children. A lifestyle in which he must continue to maintain for not just the children, but his ex-wife as well. Although I haven't found any article that mentioned why the two divorced we can all form our own conclusions as to why. I won't though. 

 What are your thoughts regarding the largest divorce settlement recorded? Do you agree that the judge made a just and fair decision? Or do you feel as if the money that she has been rewarded is too much? 


  1. If he didn't wanna pay he should have had a pre-nup.

    1. Exactly right. That is the only way to legally protect assets.

  2. Marriage is evil nobody should never get half of ur money u worked hard for because the relatiionship coming to a end wat kind of shyt is dat.........the man set up a trust funds for his kids but she wont her crumbs too just greedy smdh

  3. Well think about all she has put up with by being a wife to this billion dollar man. She has also worked hard. Not only being his wife, but having his children and making sure they are well kept. More than likely she was with him prior to the billion dollars he acquired over time.

  4. I'm going to try this again it didn't save my first comment. He was sucker punch Didnt see it coming. Now this is a toss up for me because I am a male and men get jabbed hard when it comes to things like these. That is a unbelievable amount to give to give one person. she gets the money for the divorce the asset and properties. then on top of that he still has to continue to pay child support when that is enough support for anybody. All I can say is that men has it bad when it comes to what they have to pay after a divorce but majority of the time the female get half off the earnings. why can't they split some of the support from both parents and put it in a College of fund for the kids. Another thing is should have got a prenup lol.

    1. I see that a lot of men have a problem with sharing huh? Relationships without marriage is a lot of work. So imagine that same pressure magnified being married! I'm not sure as to why the dynamics change once people are married, but they do. Nonetheless if his ex-wife was with him for a greater majority of their union then technically it's only fair. She obviously doesn't pull in the same income as he does and as stated previously he afforded the lifestyle for them. He was the head of the household. As far as the children are concerned. There's enough money put up for them I'm sure. If not that would've been one of the stipulations following the divorce settlement. There's two sides to the story and many ways we could flip this. I do understand where some of you come from, but if he truly wanted to be protected in a just in case type of situation, he should've had a prenup signed. Or some type of documentation following his fortunes to protect who he had. Otherwise it's fair game.
