Sunday, May 25, 2014


Stephen A. Smith spoke so much life into me with his commentary given two days ago. Now a days everything is so racially driven it's blurring the lines of what the bigger picture is all about. Whether it's the Donald  Sterlings speaking out about their dislike for black people . Or Mike Cuban who made it known that he has some reservations towards certain stereotypes of people. We all have particular ways we feel about all people. Although the black man in a hoody on a dark street stereotype was based off the George Zimmerman case. Before the stereotype of a black man it was with sagging pants and tattoos all over his arms and what not. It's quite ignorant in a sense, but people are entitled to feel the way they want to regardless of how the stereotype(s) are presented. 

 Stephen A. Smith stuck true to his words. He feels as if Mark Cuban saying what he said was rightfully said. We all have our own views about people no matter their race. The bigger picture Stephen A. Smith wants the black community to see is, we as a race have to be accountable for how we present ourselves and speak. It doesn't help that a lot of our youth dress the way they dress with saggy pants down to their knees. And speak in ways only they understand. They look to being the next major sports star or video vixen. Looking for the easy way out instead of putting in the necessary changes and work to develop themselves into something more realistic and obtainable. Obtaining education being top priority despite what statics say. Speaking properly in order to communicate effectively with others and for  one to be taken seriously and land a job. Stephen A. Smith spoke the truth and nothing, but the truth. Wake up folks. We're being looked at and what we are putting out isn't being taken into positive light. It's ok for our kids to admire positive black role models, but it's even better when you teach them the way of getting on the road to success by hard work, dedication, and being persistent in what they do. Working from the bottom so that the top can be that much more enjoyable.


So the buzz going around this morning is the T.I. and Floyd Mayweather going at it in Fatburger up in Vegas. It's said that Tiny and her bestie Shekinah were invited by Floyd to make some type of appearance for his daughter's birthday party. Supposedly Tiny was following behind Floyd as it was put by Media Takeout "a groupie". T.I. and his crew ended up in the same location. From the looks of the videos that I've seen you can hear Floyd saying "You control your bi&ch muthafu#cka. Don't get mad at your bi%ch...". It's being speculated that both T.I. and Tiny are having marital issues and sadly if that's the case it's being played out in the media. It's a lot of red tape going on in their relationship and I won't shed too much light on it because I am not an active party in knowing first hand information. What I can say and this is strictly from my observation they aren't really filming together in their latest season of The Family Hustle. Also why isn't the youngest daughter being filmed that much this season as well? She doesn't seem like she gets paid very much attention. She looks a bit lost in the opening of the show when everyone is dancing around reenacting the Cosby introduction.  Anyway back to this story. I don't know what caused all the chaos. If what's being reported is true, I can see T.I. being a bit upset. It was done in the wrong setting, but that is still his wife. There's always that double standard a man can have as many women as he wants on the side. As soon as he finds out or have a thought that his woman is seeing another man it's a damn problem. Being a woman Tiny should have some type of reservation about herself. She's not a young woman just out here in the streets. She has a gang of children that she needs to be setting an example for. Speaking of which...has she acquired her G.E.D. yet? 
  Here's the footage. You all be the judge and the jury if you so choose. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014


  I just ran over this video over on World Star. As I was going through my regular Facebook news feed I noticed about three postings regarding a large divorce settlement. All from men. All three disagreed with the large amount of money the now ex-wife Elena Rybolovlev is to be rewarded. Elena is said to receive $4.5 billion from the divorce, along with $146 million in properties, $129,000 a month in child support, and some valuable antiques. From what the video stated, Dmitry tried hiding a lot of the money so that he wouldn't have to make such a large payout. He placed the money in trust fund accounts in his children's name. I'm glad he was mindful of the kids, but come on Dmitry that's one of the oldest tricks in the book. Should've taken the money out over time and kept it in your home in a safe. Elena has been battling him for five years. 

 Nonetheless the the three posts that I saw talked badly about being married and getting divorced. All agreeing that marriage is a bunch of bull and that's too much money for the ex-wife to receive. In my personal opinion, I don't see what the big idea is with her getting half of his money and being rewarded properties and what not. Although I have yet to be married, being a wife is magnified one hundred times more than being a man's woman. She has had his children, supported him in his business endeavors, she is also the primary parent of the children, she had to keep house i.e. make sure the maids and nannies stayed in place, and most of all he did afford the lifestyle for his now ex-wife and children. A lifestyle in which he must continue to maintain for not just the children, but his ex-wife as well. Although I haven't found any article that mentioned why the two divorced we can all form our own conclusions as to why. I won't though. 

 What are your thoughts regarding the largest divorce settlement recorded? Do you agree that the judge made a just and fair decision? Or do you feel as if the money that she has been rewarded is too much?